In Japan, December was once called, “Shiwasu” (師走). The first character, 師, means "monk" and the second, 走, means "to run". There are several origin stories of the term but the most commonly known story is that it is so busy toward the end of the year that even monks (who are usually calm) have to run around to pay home visits one after another. I already felt like a running monk this month and it wasn’t even Shiwasu yet!
But let’s start with something positive. The last month I was in Brussels to visit an international school. Here are some pictures from the event which I couldn’t include in the previous newsletter. I had such a great time there and these photos bring back the fun memories.
So…the reason I felt like a head-less chicken this month was over-working. It’s been ridiculously busy at work (I have a day job in TV post production). I ate my lunch at desk almost everyday and I agreed to do some occasional overtime on top of that. I was exhausted by the time I got home every evening.
But, evenings and weekends are usually time to work on my books. I’m currently working on my fourth authored book and it’s got a very tight deadline. In a normal time, my process would be like this:
Thumbnail storyboard > discuss the layouts with my art director
Rough sketches > get them signed off
Colour roughs > get them signed off
Colour artwork
The process from thumbnails to the final artwork usually takes me about 4-5 months and that’s pretty fast for someone only works in the evenings and weekends. But I’ve got less than three months for this book 😵💫 What’s more, it wasn’t just me who was running around like busy monks this month. My publisher couldn’t find a time to discuss the layouts with me until later this month. There’s no way I would waste precious three weeks just sitting and waiting. So, my art director and I agreed to skip some steps and go straight to colour on some of the spreads. It did help to some extent, but it turned out to be not as efficient as I had expected. Because I skipped colour mapping, I ended up going back and forth between the spreads, trying to make the colours work harmoniously across all the spreads.
Then my mum kept reminding me of the deadline for her new year’s card design (we send cards in the new year instead of Christmas in Japan). She wanted me to get it done by the end of November so she could get a discount from the printer. Every year I design her new year’s card and I have never failed to do it past 9 years. So her annual assignment was on mind for months, but I was putting it off because 1) I couldn’t find time and headspace, and 2) the next year’s subject was something I didn't enjoy drawing…
In South Asian countries, we use “Eto” (干支), zodiacal animals representing different years in a 12-year cycle. For example, I was born in the year of the Dog (1982). 2024 will be the year of the Dragon. And I don’t like drawing dragons! One of the common portfolio advice for children’s book illustrators is to include “children’s book staples” - pirates, aliens, dinosaurs and dragons, but I didn’t include any of these in my portfolio for reason. Do you know what is more important? NOT to include something you don’t like drawing. So, I was dreading mum’s assignment and the clock was ticking. I was about tell my mum that I couldn’t do it for the first time in 9 years.
Then, I caught a nasty cold. That’s when I finally had a meeting with my publisher. I went to their office after work, feeling pretty tired already. I thought we had finalised the text last month and we were just going to talk about layouts. However, they requested more text changes… I can’t give you any details but there’s one sticky point in the text that we can’t seem to agree on. I think I could have reacted better if I hadn’t been so tired. I didn’t storm out or flip the table but I mentally checked out. I had to email them later and ask for a summary of the meeting because I couldn’t remember what we had discussed.
Then, I did something I had never done before. I decided to step back from the book for a week. I’m usually proud of my high work ethic and productivity and resilience, but you know when your body and mind have had enough. I was having bad headaches. So bad that I was taking painkillers everyday. What’s more, I knew, if I kept pushing myself, I would end up in a bitter place and losing love for the book. So I told my editors that I was going to take a week off and I would tackle their notes with healthier mind when I come back. They respected that.
This months wasn’t all doom and gloom though. First, New Writing North, a writing development agency in the North of England, contacted me out of blue. They asked me if I’d be interested in giving a consultation session to an emerging picture book writer they had been working with, to enhance her knowledge of how writers and illustrators work together. One of my career dreams is to teach picture book making so I said yes to the request. The mentoring session went well. I really enjoyed sharing my experience and expertise.
Then, I found out The Pet Potato (Andersen Press) written by Josh Lacey and illustrated by me had been longlisted for the Inclusive Books for Children Awards! 🎉Honestly I’m just chuffed to be listed amongst these fantastic books. As a BAME illustrator, recognition by awards like this is a win itself so anything beyond this would be a cherry on top.
And I’m happy to report that the week off I awarded to myself paid off. It was probably a daring decision, considering the tight deadline, but I could feel my body, especially my head, was appreciating it. Then, came the 24th, the very first National Illustration Day launched by Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration. I shared some inspiring illustrations from my favourite books on Instagram and I saw other people’s inspirations. That really re-ignited my love for illustration. And you know what? I managed to design my mum’s new year’s card in time and yes, it has a dragon on it! (I will reveal it in the new year.) And I now feel I’m ready to face my book again!
I’m going to wrap up this newsletter with a gorgeous book I bought this month. It’s Giraffe and a Half by Nicola Kent. When I opened this book in a bookshop, my tired spirit was instantly lifted up. It was the most beautiful endpaper I had ever seen! And the inside of the book and the story are equally beautiful and uplifting. It’s about a giraffe who has six legs and three ears and she believes that her difference stops her from making friends. I love that the story has an autobiographical element to it. The emotions in the story are so believable.
That’s all for this month. Gosh, I can’t believe the next newsletter will be the last of the year. Hope I have something uplifting and festive to report. Thank you for reading!
Momo x
Any comments and question will be welcome!
And much appreciated if you could spread the word!
Phew, and with all of that going on, you also managed to answer my questions. Sorry to have added another thing to your overflowing plate, but I am still very grateful you did it. Seriously though, take care of yourself!
I love the idea of running monks! Good luck getting everything done Momoko, and I’m looking forward to seeing that new year’s card!